时间:2024年1月9日(周二) 14:00-16:00
邀请人:沈蔚然 威尼斯人娱乐场官方网站 准聘助理教授
主讲人:甘家瑞 牛津大学 讲师
报告题目:Sequential information and mechanism design
嘉宾简介:Jiarui Gan is a Departmental Lecturer at the Computer Science Department, University of Oxford, working in the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning research theme. Before this he was a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, and he obtained his PhD from Oxford. Jiarui is broadly interested in algorithmic problems in game theory. His current focus is on sequential information and mechanism design problems. His recent work has been selected for an Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention at the AAAI'22 conference.
报告摘要:Many problems in game theory involve reasoning between multiple parties with asymmetric access to information. This broad class of problems leads to many research questions about information and mechanism design, with broad-ranging applications from governance and public administration to e-commerce and financial services. In particular, there has been a recent surge of interest in exploring the more generalized sequential versions of these problems, where players interact over multiple time steps in a changing environment. In this talk, I will present a framework of sequential principal-agent problems that is capable of modeling a wide range of information and mechanism design problems. I will discuss our recent algorithmic results on the computation and learning of optimal decision-making in this framework.