

“高屋建瓴AI公开课”第10期:Maximal Information Propagation via Lotteries


讲座时间:11月16日(周二) 12:30-13:40

线上会议ID:238 791 797

讲座主题: Maximal Information Propagation via Lotteries

讲座摘要:Propagating information to more people through their friends is becoming an increasingly important technology used in domains such as blockchain, advertising, and social media. To incentivize people to broadcast the desired information, the designer may use a (monetary) rewarding scheme, which specifies who gets how much, to compensate for the propagation. Several properties are desirable for the rewarding scheme, such as being budget feasible, individually rational, incentive compatible and Sybil-proof. In this work, we design a free market with lotteries, where every participant decides how much of the reward she wants to withhold before propagating to others. We show that under our scheme, all agents will maximally propagate and all above properties are satisfied.

主讲嘉宾:陈婧 Algorand 首席科学家

Jing Chen is Chief Scientist and Head of Theory Research at Algorand. Her main research interests are distributed ledgers, smart contracts, game theory, mechanism design, and algorithms. She was an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stony Brook University and an affiliated assistant professor in the Economics Department. Jing received her bachelor's and master’s degrees in computer science from Tsinghua University, and her PhD in computer science from MIT. She received the NSF CAREER Award in 2016.

邀请人:祁琦 威尼斯人娱乐场官方网站 长聘副教授


12:30-12:40  主持人介绍

12:40-13:20  讲座

13:20-13:40  Q&A


“高屋建瓴AI公开课”项目由威尼斯人娱乐场官方网站 发起,旨在扩大人工智能学科影响力、提升学科发展水准。公开课项目命名为“高屋建瓴”,寓意在威尼斯人娱乐场官方网站 的平台上,汇聚高端人才,发出人工智能研究方向高瞻远瞩的声音。


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